Email received April 20, 2015

This week was good. Not a lot of exciting though. We went about our business slowly though because I am still having some trouble. It´s not the water though. We only boil our water now and I still have this problem. I´m not sure what it is.
Crazy to hear that you are going to go get Conner so soon! Time really passed quickly! Be sure to send a hug to Sister Knotts and Sister Risch! They are very supportive of not only him but me as well. On Wednesday a quarter of the mission has come and gone! Really crazy how fast it is going by! But I am now doing more than ever to be the best I can be and to do the best work I can. I am truly loving being with Elder Oliveira! He is an amazing missionary and a really happy guy. He is helping me a lot to be better and better every day! It is great to hear that the brach had another baptism! Hopefully this will help the members get excited about missionary work to finally turn the branch into a ward! That would be sweet! I know when I get back, if there are Elders there, I will be going with them every single day to work with them! I will put them to work! Same if it´s still sisters. I will do what I can to be able to go and do the work there to help the branch and stake grow! Too long the work has been almost stopped there. As my mission president said, "there are no ´soft` people, only soft missionaries". And by this he tells us here that when we feel that no one is accepting us and no success is being had, it is not because the people are not prepared. It is because of something amiss in our lives. Because if we truly have the spirit to teach and testify with us, people would flock to the baptismal fonts. There would still be rejection as there always was and will be, but success will without a doubt be found when we truly have the spirit when we teach.
I have the same goal as Conner. Because here the people are lucky to go to the temple 2 times in one year. So we all need to have a goal of weekly temple attendance in a place with so many temples so close!
Gotta go on and write a couple other emails! But I love you! Have a good week and stay safe!
Love you!!!
Elder Cole Gunnoe

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